Garden View Court Serviced Apartment 4Beds Dist.1 HCMC
Căn hộ dịch vụ
Tiền hàng tháng 3000$210 m2
Căn hộ dịch vụ
ID :A1967
Garden View Court Serviced Apartment 4Beds Dist.1 HCMC
~Vietnam Leading Rental Apartment &House Agent, Dragon Housing~
Type:Serviced Apartment
4Beds.full furnished
Location:Dist.1 HCMC
Facilities:Air conditioner, washing machine, dryer, refrigerator, oven, toaster, TV, bed, dining table, bathtub, etc.
Including:VAT, electricity ($210), water, internet, cable TV, room cleaning (6 times a week)
Comments:Luxury serviced apartment in District 1. It is suitable for the one who wants to live in a quiet environment with a good view.